Terms of Service & Complaints Policy

Click here to read our Complaints Policy or scroll down to read our terms and conditions for delivery of services, training or any other activities provided by Life Cycle

Terms and conditions

1. Privacy Policy

1.1         We make our Privacy Policy readily available to anyone who engages with Life Cycle: It is available at the footer of our website and visible on online booking forms for training, events and courses.

1.2         You should read and agree to our Privacy Policy before engaging with Life Cycle in any way - including signing up to any of Life Cycle’s services, buying a product or corresponding with us via phone, email or social media.

1.3         If you do not agree to have your personal data used as set out in our Privacy Policy you may not be able to use our services or purchase our products. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, contact the Life Cycle team.  We will always do our best to accommodate your requests in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.

2. Formation of the Contract

2.1         This document, together with any documents referred to in it, set out the terms and conditions which pertain to any of the courses, events, memberships, and activities organised by Life Cycle (together called the "Courses" in this document) and any of the cycle maps, books, cycle parking stands and other products supplied by Life Cycle (together called the "Products" in this document).

2.2         Please read these terms and conditions carefully before booking any Course or purchasing any Product. You should understand that by booking any of our Courses or purchasing any of our Products you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

2.3         In addition to the Terms and Conditions detailed here others may apply and these will be made clear to you at the time of your booking or your purchase.

2.4        No contract exists between us until you receive written confirmation of your booking or purchase. This will typically be via a booking confirmation page or email.  

3. Bookings, Fees, and Payments

3.1. General terms

a)   Payment for all Courses must be made at the time of booking to secure a place. Most Courses can be booked and paid for online.  

b)   Organisations may usually order Products or book places on Courses if they provide us with an official purchase order. If an invoice is requested, then payment must be received whichever is soonest of:

i.        Within 30 days of the date of the invoice issued by Life Cycle.

ii.       Prior to the start of the course.

c)    All prices quoted are in UK Pounds.

d)    VAT will be added to amounts payable, where applicable.

3.2. Additional terms for specific Courses

1st4Sport Level 2 Award in Instructing Cycle Training
  • For courses run by Life Cycle as a Satellite Centre of The Bikeability Trust, learners must accept the Terms and Conditions and payment schedule advertised by The Bikeability Trust at the time of their booking.
1st4Sport Post Course Assessment (PCA):
  • Bookings: we require a minimum of 30 days’ notice prior to proposed PCA Observation date to ensure Tutor availability.  
  • Payment: the cost of one PCA is included within the Level 2 Award in Instructing Cycle Training fee. If further PCA(s) is required, there will be an additional cost(s).
  • We will charge additional expenses required such as travel/travel time and accommodation to visit and observe you teaching.
Accredited Cycle Mechanics courses
  • We may offer learners the ability to pay a deposit at the point of booking to secure a place on a course, if full payment is not made upfront. If offered, this will be made clear on the booking page of the relevant course.
  • Where a deposit is taken, full payment must be received no less than 30 days prior to the start of the course, in line with our General terms (see 3.1).

4. Course availability, content, and location

4.1         We reserve the right to vary, without notice, the content of, or venue for Courses hosted by Life Cycle.  We will inform you by email or by phone of any changes to the course prior to the start of the course.

5. Cancellation - by Life Cycle:

5.1         We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a Course for any reason, at any time, although we will always try to give you reasonable notice. If we cancel a Course, we will either:

            (a) Offer you a place on the next available Course.  

             (b) Refund your payment.

5.2         If the conduct or behaviour of any person (adult or child) during a Course is deemed to be inappropriate, the Leader may refuse to allow that person to remain on the Course. In such circumstances, the fee will NOT be refunded.  

5.3         If any cycle that is to be used during a Course is deemed by the Leader to be unfit for purpose, the participant will not be allowed to remain on the Course. In such circumstances, the fee will NOT be refunded.

5.4         If the level of skill and competence of any person (adult or child) booked onto a Course is deemed by the Leader to be insufficient, the participant will not be allowed to remain on the Course. In such circumstances, the fee will not be refunded.

5.5         Force Majeure: Life Cycle shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performing our obligations under these Terms if such failure or delay is due to any cause beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, industrial action, protests, fire, flood, storm, tempest, pandemic, epidemic, explosion, acts of terrorism, and national emergencies. In the event of such a Force Majeure event, we shall notify you as soon as reasonably practicable and shall use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure event and to resume performance of our obligations as soon as possible.

6. Cancellation - by You

6.1 General Terms

  a)  To cancel a Course registration and obtain a full refund you must give us 30 days’ notice from the start date of the Course unless a shorter cancellation notice period is stated below in 6.2.  

  b)  If you cancel a booking without adequate notice and have not yet made full payment for the relevant Course, you will still be liable for the full relevant Course fees.

  c)  If you, or the person for whom you have made the booking, misses any part of or withdraw during a multi-stage Course for any reason whatsoever, you will be deemed to have cancelled your booking without sufficient notice.  Attendance at a subsequent Course will require additional payment.

  d)  Any refunds will be made net of any non-refundable booking fees charged to Life Cycle by external software providers (where applicable).

6.2. Cancellation notice periods for specific Courses

a) Schools Bikeability – Cancelling or rescheduling a complete course.

We require 30 days’ notice, otherwise you will be charged as follows:

  • Bikeability balance - £300 per group
  • Learn to ride - £144 per group (up to 6 learners)
  • Level 1 - £120 per group (up to 12 learners)
  • Level 2 - £540 per group (up to 12 learners)
  • Level 3 - £270 per group (up to 6 learners)
b) Schools Bikeability - Cancelling or rescheduling a single session:

We require 14 days’ notice, otherwise you will be charged £200 per group.

i) 1st4Sport Post Course Assessments (PCA):

  • Rescheduling an observation: we require 14 days’ notice if you wish to reschedule.  
  • Cancelling: Once you are registered with 1st4Sport we cannot provide a refund if you decide not to proceed.  
c) Dr Bike Surgeries; Maintenance Demos. We require 5 working days’ notice otherwise you will be charged in full.
d) One-to-One Cycle Training: Clients must give their instructor at least 24 hours’ notice by telephone of cancellation or a request to re-schedule a session.

7. Health and wellbeing

7.1         When making a booking you must tell us if you, or the person for whom you are making the booking, has any physical or mental health conditions that might be affected by participating on the Course. We recommend that people who do not take regular exercise or who are using prescription medicines which can impact fitness, affect concentration, or make them drowsy take expert medical advice before booking onto a Course.

7.2        When making a booking you must tell us if you, or the person for whom you are making the booking, has any special educational needs, physical needs, behavioural issues or other conditions that may be relevant.

7.3         If Life Cycle is concerned that anyone attending one of our activities is ill, is legally required to self-isolate, shield and/or is unable to act in accordance with Safe Systems of Work required by us at our premises (e.g. social distancing, use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or any virus transmission prevention measures in force at that time) then we reserve the right to end activities immediately for the safety of all concerned.

8. Cycles

8.1         Participants (or their parents, guardians or carers) must ensure that any bicycle they intend to use during a Course is fit for purpose, roadworthy and the correct size. We recommend you go to a reputable cycle shop for assistance. If the bicycle is not in safe working order, you may not be able to participate. Participants are responsible for the care and the security of their cycle while on a Course. We recommend you carry appropriate insurance and that you lock your bike using a high-quality D-lock.

8.2        If a cycle being used during a Course develops a fault or a mechanical problem (e.g. a puncture) it is the participant’s responsibility to remedy the problem. If the cycle cannot be repaired and made roadworthy the participant will not be able to remain on the Course.

9. Cycle helmets

9.1         Participants (or their parents, guardians, or carers) should decide whether they wish to wear a cycle helmet. If a helmet is to be worn it should meet recognised standards and fit the rider correctly. Find guidance on correct sizing and fitting of helmets here.

10. Entry requirements

10.1      Certain Courses require specific competencies or levels of experience. These will be made clear to you at the time of booking. If you are unsure whether a course is suitable, we recommend you speak to us before booking. In particular:

a) 1st4Sport Level 2 Award in Instructing Cycle Training.

People booking onto this course should be confident, competent cyclists with frequent recent experience of cycling in a range of traffic conditions, including busy urban roads. Participants must have good verbal and written English language skills and access to a computer for online learning.  Participants who do not meet these requirements are unlikely to complete the Course successfully. If you need advice or wish to arrange any advance training, contact us.

b) Accredited Cycle Mechanics – Level 2 (technical two) upwards.

You must be a competent mechanic with good knowledge and skills of bike maintenance.

c) Cycle training for children.

Training takes place on public roads. Participants must be able to control their bicycles, look behind them and hold their arm out to signal. If the Course instructor considers a child does not have these competencies the child will not be allowed onto the course. In such circumstances the Course fee will not be refunded.

11. Your behaviour

11.1          You must not attend any Life Cycle activity whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs (excluding prescription medication – noting the guidance stated in 7.1).  

11.2         You are expected to interact with all Life Cycle personnel and other users in a polite and respectful manner. Life Cycle does not tolerate direct, indirect, associative, or perceptive discrimination or abuse. If your behaviour is not in line with these values, or with any Code of Conduct you have agreed to as part of attending a specific activity, then you can expect to be challenged by the activity leader. You may be asked to leave.  

11.3         Any objections from – or about – you concerning attendee behaviour will be dealt with in line with our Complaints Policy.

12. Your property

12.1         It is your responsibility to carry appropriate insurance to cover yourself and your property (including your bicycle) during attendance at any Course.

12.2        If you are inviting Life Cycle to run a Course or event on your premises, it is your responsibility to ensure that people and any property are adequately protected.

13. Accreditation, qualifications, and awards

Completion of Life Cycle’s Courses (other than those explicitly noted below) does not confer any sort of formal qualification or accreditation; nor does it imply that Life Cycle has in any way tested, approved or endorsed the participant’s competencies and abilities.

13.1. 1st4Sport Level 2 Award in Instructing Cycle Training

You will be registered with the awarding body. To qualify, you must complete and pass the practical course, any written assessments and post course observations mandated by the awarding body.

13.2. Accredited Cycle Mechanics courses:

Life Cycle is an accredited bicycle mechanics training centre. Our mechanics are qualified to teach participants to the standards required by our accredited courses and to assess participant’s skills during formal skills assessments. This teaching and assessment is subject to our internal quality evaluation and external quality evaluation from the awarding body.

At the start of each course, Life Cycle will register all learners with the accrediting board. Our mechanics will then teach and assess learners to the agreed standard. At the end of each course, Life Cycle will inform the accrediting board of all learners who pass their assessments and complete their course, then request formal certification.

14. Products purchased from the Life Cycle website

14.1      The following disclaimers apply:

a)   Availability. We try to have stock of all items listed for sale on website but cannot guarantee this. Therefore, acknowledging receipt of your order does not constitute an acceptance of your offer to purchase an item.  

b)   Delivery.  We process orders as quickly as possible usually using second class post. You should allow up to 28 days for delivery. If you have a deadline and require an item urgently, please contact us. We maybe able to expedite your order, although there may be an additional charge for this, for example, if first class post or tracked mail is used.

c)    Refunds, returns, and exchanges.  If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please return the item within 10 days unused and in its original packing (i.e. in a saleable condition) for an exchange or refund. For your protection, please send items Recorded Delivery only. Post and packing costs cannot be refunded. This guarantee is in addition to your statutory rights.

15. Warranty and Liability

15.1      Our Courses and Products will be provided using reasonable care and skill, but the accuracy of any advice or information provided cannot be guaranteed.

15.2      We shall have no liability to you for:

a)  Any loss or damage to bicycles or other personal belongings which occurs during attendance at any Course.

b)  Any loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising from a Course being cancelled, rescheduled, relocated or otherwise varied by us.

c)  Any unforeseeable loss or damage arising from the provision (or non-provision) of any Course, including loss of profit or consequential loss or damage.

d)  The quality of any repairs, maintenance, adjustments, or other work carried out by a Life Cycle mechanic or any advice they offer.

15.3      Nothing in these terms and conditions affects any liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation, or your statutory rights as a consumer.

16. Data Protection

16.1    We store your contact details and other information on a CRM database, on our office systems and/or on paper forms (e.g. application forms). We need to collect certain personal data to provide you with access to our Site, our services, or for our volunteer, employee, or freelance contractor recruitment process. We will only use the information we collect about you in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.  We do not pass on your details to anyone else, except where necessary for contractual, legal, safeguarding, or other essential reasons, as set out in our Privacy Policy.

Example: Life Cycle sometimes works with Local Authorities and partners to provide free or discounted services. If you sign-up to benefit from these discounted services, these partners reserve the right to contact you to evaluate the services provided. Any responses you submit will be treated according to the privacy policy of the organisation that has contacted you.

17. Photography

17.1      We may take photographs during Courses or at other events run by us.  These may appear on our website or be used in our publications.  We will ask for consent before taking photos.  Please let us know if you do not wish to have your photo taken.

18. Copyright

18.1      You may not copy or reproduce any literature, document, web page or other publication produced by us without our prior written consent.

19. Law and Jurisdiction

19.1      The contract between us (including these Terms and Conditions) will be governed by English law.  Any dispute arising from, or related to, the contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.